Friday, December 21, 2012

Ammon's new smile

Ammon has the smallest mouth and baby teeth, and we've know for years that this would probably cause trouble for him. In the last 2 years he's lost 9 teeth, but only gotten 5 back because his permanent teeth are so much bigger then his baby teeth.
Ammon & Corrine both went to an Orthodontist a few weeks back. He took some x-rays of Ammon's mouth that showed all his teeth, both already in and adult teeth still to come in. It thankfully showed that he has ALL his adult teeth. That is a big deal because it runs on my side of the family to have missing adult teeth. I was missing a wisdom tooth and I still have a baby molar because it doesn't have a permanent under it.
The Orthodontist said that 4 baby teeth needed to be pulled so that he would have the correct placement of his upper and lower front 4 permanent teeth.

We decided to get the teeth pulled over Christmas break so that he wouldn't have to worry about going to school while he healed. We figured with 4 teeth coming out that he wouldn't be able to eat very well and that he would be sore for a few days.

Well Ammon proved us wrong-  


He was an absolute CHAMP through everything and had hardly any pain!

He got 2 pulled Thursday morning. He was pretty mellow most of the day, and only needed Tylenol once. In the afternoon he even went outside to play in the snow that had fallen that day.
On Friday morning I brought him back to get the other 2 pulled.  He told me on the way there the only thing that bothered him was getting a shot between his teeth because it was really tight there. When we walked in both the secretary and Dentist told us they were surprised that we were back. They didn't think Ammon would've wanted to come back.

Ammon went right back and got started. When they were done Doctor Henn told me "He only asked 200 questions today, compared to his 400 yesterday! He's a sponge isn't he?" He got it spot on. He routinely asks a zillion questions and learns so much information daily. It's awesome!!
He's done amazing with 4 teeth out. We were picky about him playing in the snow today because he has 4 holes on his mouth. He only needed Tylenol once and hasn't complained all day.

His baby teeth that were pulled had the biggest roots on them. The roots hadn't started to dissolve, so they weren't going to be coming out on their own for a long time. He'll probably have gaps for 6 months until his adult teeth come in especially on the top. On the bottom one of his front teeth had been trying to come up, but didn't have room. Now we expect it be up in a few weeks. He's still going to be missing 4 adult teeth, but as his jaw grows bigger with age, hopefully he'll have more room for them to come in.

Rock Star Ammon with his new smile. 

The Tooth fairy heard what an awesome job he did getting them pulled so he decided to leave a $5 bill under his pillow!  Lucky guy!!

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