Saturday, December 1, 2012

O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree

For the past 10 years (except for one sad year for Johann) we have gone out to Barnes Tree Farm south of town to cut down our Christmas Tree.
Some years we've trekked through a couple feet of snow, other years we've gone out in light jackets.

This year we had a wet day in the mid 50's to hunt for our tree. The kids absolutely LOVE hunting for the perfect tree. We each pick what we think is the perfect tree, and then we see another great one down the row and we go check it out. Then someone else see's a great one and we go check that one out. It's never a quick and easy process to pick out the perfect tree, but that's the way we like it.

We had our eye on a tree right in the middle of two giant trees. It looks so dwarfed between the giants, but it really was over 6 feet tall. Crazy how perspective changes when you take a step back and look from a distance.

Rebecca has been such a daddy's girl lately. She loves to hold his hand, sit by him, follow him around, just be near him.

We finally found the perfect tree and all the big kids wanted a chance to cut it down. Johann started it, then handed off the saw. Ammon took a turn, Corrine took a turn, then Simeon took his turn. Ammon walked behind the tree just as Simeon cut the last of the trunk and down the tree went, just barely missing Ammon!

I love this picture of Corrine. She looks so happy and the bright colors look so good on her.

It was so different not needing to carry the tree up to the shop. The kids all grabbed it and off they went. We had the cutest little caboose trying as hard she could to keep up with her bigger siblings. After one fall, they slowed down so she could help out with the very top of the tree.

Family picture with our tree. 

This is the yummiest part of the trip. Getting a cup of hot apple cider, a cookie and a candy cane in the warm shed.

Until next year Barnes Tree Farm. 

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