Thursday, January 31, 2013

Oso pardo, Oso pardo Que Ves Ahi?

I'm super excited with how nice my stick figure puppets came out for the book Oso Pardo, Osos Pardo Que ves ahi?

Last year this book was used in the Spanish class that I volunteered in and I feel in love with the book. I want to kids to get a good hands on experience with the book so that they will really cement the animal names and colors into their memory.

My set has been laminated to add to it's durability  The kids set won't be laminated, but are on card stock so they should last through a lot of play.

I traced the animals from the back page of the book. I needed to make a few changes because even tracing them mine didn't turn out looking as good as the book. I then cut them out, colored then, laminated them with my Purple Cow laminator I got from Costco a few months back and finally taped them onto the large popcicle sticks.

We've already learned out colors, so the new words this lesson will be the animal names. I'm excited to bring my bag of animals to help us learn their names and to have the kids say the animal color and name. We'll use my animal puppets during the lesson until they make their own.

I really like having the kids bring home something to show their families what they are learning, and then for them to turn around and teach their families.

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