Tuesday, January 15, 2013

The Lasagna

The last few days we have so strongly felt the Lords hand in our lives. Let me explain-
Last Monday for Family Home Evening we had a lesson on The Good Samaritan and  giving service to others. We talked about when we raked leaves for 2 neighbors this fall. We had such a neat experience doing this, both while we raked and when she found out (not sure by who still) who raked her leaves.
We talked about being the Lords hands here on earth and how it makes us feel when we help others. We talked about how our burdens are lighter, the day seems brighter, and our hearts happier when we serve others. We also talked about how Heavenly Father looks out for us in our hour of need.
Fast forward to this Monday night. Ammon and I were making lasagna for dinner. As we were finishing up ours for dinner we had decided to make the extra ingredients into a smaller lasagna we'd freeze for another night, when we got a phone call. It was a friend calling to ask me if I could check on another friend who she heard was having a hard time. I told her I'd call, but neither of us knew if she would even answer the phone. I gave her a call and she picked up right away. In talking with her I could hear tiredness and worry in her voice. I asked her if she had dinner plans yet. She told me she was just starting to think about dinner, but had no idea what they were going to have. I told her perfect because I had an extra lasagna and I'd bring it over for their dinner that night. The girls drove with me to deliver dinner and a hug to this sweet friend.

Tuesday at school Corrine was given an envelope at her Viola lesson. (She told me she thought she might be in trouble since she was the only one in her group to get one.) When I opened it I found an answer to our prayers. Inside were 2 free family passes to all the kids concerts for the 2013 year.

We were surprised to get them, and knew right away that we knew that our prayers and concerns were being heard and answered through the hands of another.
We could see without a shadow of a doubt that the blessings that went both ways when we serve another. This experience has helped me in so many different ways. I have been feeling alone and somewhat forgotten, this showed me that I am not forgotten in the Lord's eyes. I have been wanting ways to serve others, with this friend in particular, I have been wanting to do something for them and have been struggling with how do go about it, the Lord saw this and sent another to give me the swift kick I needed to pick up the phone and call them. And it reminded me of that wonderful feeling I get when I serve others, and to try more often to serve others so I can feel that wonderful feeling more often.
I'm so grateful for these experiences and how they bring us closer to the Savior.

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